Are “those who put up with it” conceited people? The teachings of Buddhism touched my heart…


[Manga] Are “those who put up with it” conceited people? The teachings of Buddhism touched my heart…

【漫画】「ガマンしてる人」は思い上がったうぬぼれ屋?仏教の教えが 胸にグサっときた…
お盆・お彼岸・喪中・四十九日」など葬儀に関する言葉だけでなく、「大人・頂く・ 意識・挨拶」なども仏教語だとされる。現代と異なることもあるという本来の…

[Manga] Are “those who put up with it” conceited people? The teachings of Buddhism touched my heart…
Not only words related to funerals such as Obon, equinox, mourning, and 49 days, but also words such as “Adult, Take, Consciousness, and Greeting” are said to be Buddhist words. The original  … which may be different from the present day.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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