The continuation of the manga drawn by Mayumi Kurata and her husband Shuntaro Kanoi during their final days is “Cry – Sports Hochi”


The continuation of the manga drawn by Mayumi Kurata and her husband Shuntaro Kanoi during their final days is “Cry – Sports Hochi”

倉田真由美さん、夫・叶井俊太郎さんの最後の日々描いた漫画の続きは 「泣けて – スポーツ報知
漫画家の倉田真由美さんが14日放送のNHK Eテレ「ハートネットTV」 (火曜・午後8時)に出演。今年2月にすい臓がんのため亡くなった夫で映画…

The continuation of the manga drawn by Mayumi Kurata and her husband Shuntaro Kanoi during their final days is “Cry – Sports Hochi”
MangaIe’s Mayumi Kurata will appear on NHK E-Tele’s “Heart Net TV” (Tuesday, 8pm), which will be broadcast on the 14th. My husband, who passed away from pancreatic cancer in February of this year, made a movie…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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