Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan’an meets with Liberal Democratic Party leader Aso and hits it off over the topic of manga/Taiwan


Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan’an meets with Liberal Democratic Party leader Aso and hits it off over the topic of manga/Taiwan

蒋万安台北市長、自民・麻生氏と会談 漫画の話題で意気投合/台湾
蒋万安(しょうばんあん)台北市長は訪日初日の15日、東京・永田町の自民党本部を 訪れ、麻生太郎副総裁と会談した。両氏は漫画の話題で意気投合し、蒋氏 は…

Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan’an meets with Liberal Democratic Party leader Aso and hits it off over the topic of manga/Taiwan
On the 15th, the first day of his visit to Japan, Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan’an visited the Liberal Democratic Party headquarters in Nagatacho, Tokyo, and met with Vice President Taro Aso. The two men hit it off over the topic of manga, and Mr. Chiang…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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