Manga artist Nuko-sama’s fake account appeared. When I followed it, it turned out to be a scam (Part 2)


Manga artist Nuko-sama’s fake account appeared. When I followed it, it turned out to be a scam (Part 2)

漫画家・ぬこー様ちゃんの偽アカが出現 ホイホイついていったら案の 定詐欺だった<後編
前編最後で、偽仮想通貨取引所の会員登録に挑んだ筆者。身分証を求められ、困り果 てたあげく「おもちゃの免許証」で賭けにでたところ……審査に通ってしまった…

Manga artist Nuko-sama’s fake account appeared. When I followed it, it turned out to be a scam (Part 2)
At the end of the first part, the author tried to register as a member of a fake virtual currency exchange. I was asked for my ID, and after being at a loss, I took a gamble with my “toy license” and ended up passing the inspection. …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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