The author of the popular manga “Hare-Kon.” is furious, suing for unauthorized use of images on the app and seeking 3 million yen in damages – Entertainment


The author of the popular manga “Hare-Kon.” is furious, suing for unauthorized use of images on the app and seeking 3 million yen in damages – Entertainment

人気漫画「ハレ婚。」作者激怒 アプリでの画像無断使用を訴え損害賠 償300万円求める – 芸能
人気漫画「ハレ婚。」作者で知られる漫画家NON氏が21日までに自身 のX(旧ツイッター)を更新し、一部アプリの広告に同作の画像を無断使用されたと して、300…

The author of the popular manga “Hare-Kon.” is furious, suing for unauthorized use of images on the app and seeking 3 million yen in damages – Entertainment
Popular MangaNON, who is known as the author of “Hare Kanri”, updated his X (formerly Twitter) by the 21st and posted advertisements for some apps. 300 … for using images from the same work without permission.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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