KADOKAWA’s new manga service “Kadocomi App” will be available starting today, May 23, 2024 (Thursday)!


KADOKAWA’s new manga service “Kadocomi App” will be available starting today, May 23, 2024 (Thursday)!

KADOKAWAの新たな漫画サービス「カドコミアプリ」、本日2024年5月 23日(木)より提供開始!
KADOKAWAの漫画サイト「カドコミ」から生まれた漫画アプリ。 20作 品以上のカドコミオリジナル連載を初回無料で全話閲覧できるほか、『異世界おじさ ん…

KADOKAWA’s new manga service “Kadocomi App” will be available starting today, May 23, 2024 (Thursday)!
A Manga app born from KADOKAWA’s Manga site “Kadocomi”. In addition to being able to view all episodes of more than 20 Kadokomi original series for free for the first time, you can also view “Isekai Ojisan”…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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