KADOKAWA’s new manga service “Kadocomi App” will be available starting today, May 23rd. More than 20 works…


KADOKAWA’s new manga service “Kadocomi App” will be available starting today, May 23rd. More than 20 works…

KADOKAWAの新たなマンガサービス“カドコミアプリ”が本日5/23より提供 開始。20作品以上の …
iOS/Android用漫画アプリ“カドコミアプリ”が、本日5月23日より提供開始し ています。カドコミオリジナル連載のほか、KADOKAWAの人気連載も多数掲載されま す。

KADOKAWA’s new manga service “Kadocomi App” will be available starting today, May 23rd. More than 20 works…
The Manga app for iOS/Android, “Kadocomi App,” is now available from May 23rd. In addition to Kadokomi’s original series, many popular KADOKAWA series will also be published.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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