A new series of panda “Gadu” drawn by a very popular French manga artist who has sold over 19 million copies has started! | The woman herself


A new series of panda “Gadu” drawn by a very popular French manga artist who has sold over 19 million copies has started! | The woman herself

累計1900万部突破の大人気フランス人漫画家が描くパンダ「ガドゥ」の 新連載スタート! | 女性自身
【女性自身】変わった柄のパンダ「ガドゥ」。不思議なかわいさがあるキャラクター を生み出したムッシュー・タンがガドゥに込めた思いを語る。

A new series of panda “Gadu” drawn by a very popular French manga artist who has sold over 19 million copies has started! | The woman herself
[The woman herself] A panda with an unusual pattern, “Gadu”. Monsieur Tan, who created this mysteriously cute character, talks about his thoughts on Gadou.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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