Sexy Tanaka’s issue: “Rules are needed to have respect for the original author” Manga artists’ contracts…


Sexy Tanaka’s issue: “Rules are needed to have respect for the original author” Manga artists’ contracts…

セクシー田中さん問題「原作者にリスペクトを持つにはルール必要」漫 画家らの契約めぐる …
「セクシー田中さん」の問題を受け、漫画家・イラストレーター570人に調査 を実施。調査団体は日テレの報告書について、事前契約、SNS、コンテンツ産業へ の…

Sexy Tanaka’s issue: “Rules are needed to have respect for the original author” Manga artists’ contracts…
In response to the “Sexy Tanaka-san” issue, we conducted a survey of 570 Manga artists and illustrators. Regarding Nippon TV’s report, the research organization said that there are various issues related to advance contracts, SNS, and the content industry.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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