Suddenly from behind I heard, “Gyu! ” What is it? “LOL!” and “This can’t be helped” in manga – grape [Grape]


Suddenly from behind I heard, “Gyu! ” What is it? “LOL!” and “This can’t be helped” in manga – grape [Grape]

突然うしろから『ギュッ!』 その正体は? 漫画に「爆笑!」「これは 仕方ない」 – grape [グレイプ]
2人の娘さんを育てる、漫画家でイラストレーターの、吉田いらこ (irakoir)さん。書店で起きた出来事を漫画にしてInstagramに投稿したと ころ、話題を呼…

Suddenly from behind I heard, “Gyu! ” What is it? “LOL!” and “This can’t be helped” in manga – grape [Grape]
Irako Yoshida (irakoir) is a manga illustrator who lives at home and is raising two daughters. When he made a manga about what happened at a bookstore and posted it on Instagram, it became a hot topic.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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