Special feature on manga with sequels – For manga (manga) and e-books, ebookjapan | Many free books!


Special feature on manga with sequels – For manga (manga) and e-books, ebookjapan | Many free books!

続編も出ているマンガ特集 – まんが(漫画)・電子書籍なら ebookjapan|無料本多数!
小林まことが再び“本格柔道漫画”を描く!原作はアトランタオリンピック女 子柔道61kg級で、日本女子柔道界初の金メダルを獲… 続きを読む.

Special feature on manga with sequels – For manga (manga) and e-books, ebookjapan | Many free books!
Makoto Kobayashi draws “authentic judo manga” again! The original story is about the woman who won the first gold medal in Japanese women’s judo at the Atlanta Olympics in the women’s judo 61kg class… Read more.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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