A used bookstore in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City and the “God of Manga” A surprising list of items on display during his battle with illness Mysterious original paintings


A used bookstore in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City and the “God of Manga” A surprising list of items on display during his battle with illness Mysterious original paintings

京都市左京区の古書店と「漫画の神様」 闘病中に驚愕の出品リスト 幻 の原画
漫画や文庫本が目に入った。店内には漫画雑誌や単行本、玩具が 所狭しと置かれている。即売会に手塚治虫さんの原画を出品した故石川栄基さんが営 ん…

A used bookstore in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City and the “God of Manga” A surprising list of items on display during his battle with illness Mysterious original paintings
Manga and paperback books caught my eye. The store is filled with MangaMagazines, books, and toys. It is run by the late Eiki Ishikawa, who exhibited Osamu Tezuka’s original paintings at the sale.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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