Shinji Ishimaru makes his first public announcement in Shibuya: “If you are dissatisfied with the world, change yourself.” From the science fiction manga “Ghost in the Shell”…


Shinji Ishimaru makes his first public announcement in Shibuya: “If you are dissatisfied with the world, change yourself.” From the science fiction manga “Ghost in the Shell”…

石丸伸二氏、渋谷で初街宣「世の中に不満があるなら自分を変えろ」 SF漫画「攻殻機動隊」の …
東京都知事選(20日告示、7月7日投開票)に出馬を表明した前広島県安芸高田市 長の石丸伸二氏(41)が15日、渋谷駅前のスクランブル交差点で初めて…

Shinji Ishimaru makes his first public announcement in Shibuya: “If you are dissatisfied with the world, change yourself.” From the science fiction manga “Ghost in the Shell”…
Shinji Ishimaru (41), former mayor of Akitakada, Hiroshima Prefecture, who announced his candidacy in the Tokyo gubernatorial election (announced on the 20th, votes counted on July 7th), appeared for the first time at the scramble intersection in front of Shibuya Station on the 15th…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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