Let’s learn more about young carers in Obu, Aichi – Manga production | NHK Tokai News


Let’s learn more about young carers in Obu, Aichi – Manga production | NHK Tokai News

愛知 大府 ヤングケアラーをもっと知ろう 漫画を制作|NHK 東海のニ ュース
制作された漫画は、大府市の担当職員がストーリーを考えたもので、高校2 年生の女子生徒が主人公です。 母親が精神的に不安定なため、女子生徒はひとりで 母親を…

Let’s learn more about young carers in Obu, Aichi – Manga production | NHK Tokai News
The story of the manga created was created by a staff member of Obu City, and the main character is a second-year high school girl. Because her mother is mentally unstable, the female student takes care of her mother by herself.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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