Nanto manga artist Mori’s portrait is all over the wall | Region | Toyama News – Hokkoku Shimbun


Nanto manga artist Mori’s portrait is all over the wall | Region | Toyama News – Hokkoku Shimbun

壁一面に似顔絵 南砺の漫画家森さん|地域|富山のニュース – 北國新 聞
南砺市の漫画家森みちこさん(58)が昨年11月から同市の井波コミュニ ティプラザ「アスモ」の展示場で制作を進めてきた壁面の似顔絵が21日までに完 成…

Nanto manga artist Mori’s portrait is all over the wall | Region | Toyama News – Hokkoku Shimbun
MangaMichiko Yamori (58) of Nanto City has been working on the wall portrait at the exhibition hall of the city’s Inami Community Plaza “Asmo” since November last year, and it was completed by the 21st. ;…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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