The manga “Seven Shinobi of Efu” is an ambitious work that should be viewed with caution – the soul of a legendary historical drama resides within it.


The manga “Seven Shinobi of Efu” is an ambitious work that should be viewed with caution – the soul of a legendary historical drama resides within it.

漫画『衛府の七忍』は閲覧注意の意欲作~その中には伝奇時代劇の魂が 宿っている
漫画やゲームを原作とした作品、あるいは“家計簿系”の時代劇作品ばかりが 目立っています。 どうしたって 外連味 けれんみ は薄れてしまい、結果、小粒 で、…

The manga “Seven Shinobi of Efu” is an ambitious work that should be viewed with caution – the soul of a legendary historical drama resides within it.
Works based on comics or games, or historical dramas based on household accounting books, are the most prominent. No matter what I do, the outside flavor fades, and as a result, the grains are small. 
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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