Ubu | A unique bar in Roppongi where you can enjoy the pairing of adult Western food, luxurious wine, and manga | GOETHE


Ubu | A unique bar in Roppongi where you can enjoy the pairing of adult Western food, luxurious wine, and manga | GOETHE

ウブ|大人の洋食×贅沢ワイン×漫画のペアリングを愉しむ、六本木の異 色バー | GOETHE
本棚に並ぶ漫画とワインのブックペアリングも楽しめる。 小山 ここは国立 新美術館の近くにある洋食屋というか、ワインバーです。 中田 場所は六本木側です か?

Ubu | A unique bar in Roppongi where you can enjoy the pairing of adult Western food, luxurious wine, and manga | GOETHE
You can also enjoy pairing the manga lined up on the bookshelf with wine. Koyama: This is a Western restaurant, or rather a wine bar, near the National Art Center, Tokyo. Nakata: Is it located on the Roppongi side?
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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