Ryuji Sato, Katsunori Takahashi, and Mari Hana will co-star in a stage adaptation of Yakuza Haibara’s historical manga “Oten no Mon” to be performed at Meijiza Theater in December…


Ryuji Sato, Katsunori Takahashi, and Mari Hana will co-star in a stage adaptation of Yakuza Haibara’s historical manga “Oten no Mon” to be performed at Meijiza Theater in December…

佐藤流司×高橋克典×花總まり競演で灰原薬氏の歴史漫画『応天の門』を 舞台化 12月に明治座で …
漫画。平安時代を舞台に、学問の天才と称される菅原道真と、都で随一 の色男・在原業平がタッグを組み、京の都で起こる怪奇事件を次々と解決していく様 を描い…

Ryuji Sato, Katsunori Takahashi, and Mari Hana will co-star in a stage adaptation of Yakuza Haibara’s historical manga “Oten no Mon” to be performed at Meijiza Theater in December…
Manga. Set in the Heian period, the story depicts how Michizane Sugawara, known as an academic genius, and Narihira Ariwara, the most handsome man in the capital, team up to solve mysterious incidents that occur in the capital of Kyoto one after another.  …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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