Japanese manga “Taiwan is a country”, Chinese pirate translator angry – Nifty News – @nifty


Japanese manga “Taiwan is a country”, Chinese pirate translator angry – Nifty News – @nifty

日本の漫画「台湾は国」、中国の海賊版翻訳者が怒り – ニフティニ ュース – @nifty
日本の漫画作品「喰いしん坊!」の海賊版翻訳者が、作品の台湾を国扱いする 部分を翻訳しないと声明を出した。この措置について、中国の海賊版翻訳者は「作 品…

Japanese manga “Taiwan is a country”, Chinese pirate translator angry – Nifty News – @nifty
The pirate translator of the Japanese manga work “Kuishinbo!” has announced that he will not translate the part of the work that treats Taiwan as a country. Regarding this measure, pirated translators in China said, “The work …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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