Gallery page Serialized for 20 years and over 400 times! Horror? gag? The author has decided where the manga “Higanjima” is heading…


Gallery page Serialized for 20 years and over 400 times! Horror? gag? The author has decided where the manga “Higanjima” is heading…

ギャラリーページ 連載20年&400回超え! ホラー?ギャグ? 漫画『彼 岸島』が向かう場所を作者 …
'02年より連載されている松本光司氏のホラー漫画『彼岸島』。ホラーで ありつつ、ギャグとも言われる摩訶不思議な世界観ながら、なぜ開始から20年超も続 く…

Gallery page Serialized for 20 years and over 400 times! Horror? gag? The author has decided where the manga “Higanjima” is heading…
'Koji Matsumoto’s horror manga “Higanjima” has been serialized since 2002. Although it is a horror film, it has a mysterious world view that is also called a gag, but why has it continued for over 20 years since its inception?
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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