Published introductory book on manga, introducing history and industrial structure Kyoto Manga Museum | Okinawa Times + Plus


Published introductory book on manga, introducing history and industrial structure Kyoto Manga Museum | Okinawa Times + Plus

漫画問う入門書発刊 歴史や産業構造紹介 京都 マンガミュージアム | 沖縄タイムス+プラス
京都国際マンガミュージアムと京都精華大国際マンガ研究センター が、歴史から産業構造まで広範囲に漫画とは何かを問う入門書を刊行した。

Published introductory book on manga, introducing history and industrial structure Kyoto Manga Museum | Okinawa Times + Plus
Kyoto International MangaMuseum and Kyoto Seika University International MangaResearch Center provide an introduction to what manga is, covering a wide range of topics from history to industrial structure. A book was published.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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