The secret story behind the creation of “Japan’s first” Western medicine prescription lotion is released to the public in a dubbing manga video by employees.


The secret story behind the creation of “Japan’s first” Western medicine prescription lotion is released to the public in a dubbing manga video by employees.

“日本初”の西洋医学処方による化粧水誕生秘話を社員らによるアフレコ 漫画動画で一般公開
創業139年目を迎えた本年は、当社創業の起源で、「日本化学会化学遺産」にも認定 された化粧水「にきびとり美顔水」誕生までのストーリーの漫画を、当社役 員・…

The secret story behind the creation of “Japan’s first” Western medicine prescription lotion is released to the public in a dubbing manga video by employees.
This year, which marks the 139th anniversary of our founding, we are publishing a Manga that tells the story of the origin of our company’s founding and the birth of the lotion “Acne Remover Facial Water,” which has been certified as a “Chemical Heritage Site by the Chemical Society of Japan.” Our company’s officers…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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