Thoughts behind the manga “Divine Life Rescue,” which confronts life and death at disaster sites | Mainichi Shimbun


Thoughts behind the manga “Divine Life Rescue,” which confronts life and death at disaster sites | Mainichi Shimbun

災害現場で生死に向き合う 漫画「神命のレスキュー」に込めた思い | 毎日新聞
作者は福岡市在住で姉妹漫画家「キリエ」として活動する桐衣(きりえ)奈 央さんと2歳下の妹知世さん。リアリティーある展開は地元消防局の協力に支えられ てきた…

Thoughts behind the manga “Divine Life Rescue,” which confronts life and death at disaster sites | Mainichi Shimbun
The authors are Nao Kirie, who lives in Fukuoka City and works as a sister manga artist called “Kirie”, and her sister Tomoyo, who is two years younger than her. The realistic development was supported by the cooperation of the local fire department …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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