How did French reporters watch the opening ceremony of the Olympics? |Paris – Figaro Japon


How did French reporters watch the opening ceremony of the Olympics? |Paris – Figaro Japon

オリンピックの開会式、フランス人現地記者はどのように見てい た?|Paris – フィガロジャポン
今大会を通して、編集者ジョセフ・ゴーンのミッションはただひとつ。開会式が行わ れたパリを縦横無尽に駆け巡った。夜、バーのスクリーンに映し出された開会…

How did French reporters watch the opening ceremony of the Olympics? |Paris – Figaro Japon
Throughout this tournament, editor Joseph Ghosn has only one mission. He traveled all over Paris, where the opening ceremony was held. At night, the opening ceremony was projected on a screen in the bar …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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