Sports climbing Aya Mori “Concentrate on the task in front of you and enjoy it” Japan’s representative at the Paris 2024 Olympics


Sports climbing Aya Mori “Concentrate on the task in front of you and enjoy it” Japan’s representative at the Paris 2024 Olympics

スポーツクライミング・森秋彩「目の前の課題に集中して、楽しむ」パ リ2024オリンピック日本代表
スポーツの祭典、オリンピックは数々の名シーンを生み出し、観客を熱狂さ せ、多くの感動をもたらしてきた。その中心にいるのは、この瞬間のために努力を重 ね…

Sports climbing Aya Mori “Concentrate on the task in front of you and enjoy it” Japan’s representative at the Paris 2024 Olympics
The Olympics, a sports festival, has produced many famous scenes, excited the audience, and brought many emotions. At the heart of this is the hard work that goes into preparing for this moment …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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