Impact of system failure in Japan: Airport situation overnight | KHB East Japan Broadcasting


Impact of system failure in Japan: Airport situation overnight | KHB East Japan Broadcasting

国内でもシステム障害の影響 一夜明けた空港の様子 | khb東日本放送
19日午後8時ごろには、外国人観光客や家族連れなどが大きなスーツケースを 持って座り込んだりする姿が多く見られました。 ジェットスターによりますと、…

Impact of system failure in Japan: Airport situation overnight | KHB East Japan Broadcasting
Around 8pm on the 19th, many foreign tourists and families were seen sitting around with large suitcases. According to Jetstar,  …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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