About the 4th year of Kyo’s younger craftsman “Kyoto Mono Certified Craftsman” -Kyoto Prefecture


About the 4th year of Kyo’s younger craftsman “Kyoto Mono Certified Craftsman” -Kyoto Prefecture

令和4年度京の若手職人「京もの認定工芸士」の認定について – 京都府
商工労働観光部/染織・工芸課 … 京都府では、伝統産業を支える技 術の継承と、次代を担う人材の育成を図るため、未来の伝統産業を担う若手職人を対 象に、…

About the 4th year of Kyo’s younger craftsman “Kyoto Mono Certified Craftsman” -Kyoto Prefecture
Commercial and Industry Labor Sightseeing Dyeing and Interfeion/Crafts Division … Kyoto, the future to inherit the technology that supports traditional industries and to foster human resources who will be responsible for the next generation. For young craftsmen who are responsible for the traditional industry, & nbsp; …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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