Press release: Kyoto Nishiyama is great! Photo Contest 2024 (PR TIMES) | Mainichi Shimbun


Press release: Kyoto Nishiyama is great! Photo Contest 2024 (PR TIMES) | Mainichi Shimbun

プレスリリース:京都西山はいいぞ!フォトコンテスト2024(PR TIMES) | 毎日新聞
3 募集作品 京都西山エリア内(京都市西京区、向日市、長岡京市、 大山崎町)で撮影された自然風景や観光スポット、寺 社、イベント、お祭 り、人、グルメ、暮らし…

Press release: Kyoto Nishiyama is great! Photo Contest 2024 (PR TIMES) | Mainichi Shimbun
3 Entries submitted include natural scenery and sightseeing photos taken in the Nishiyama area of ​​Kyoto (Nishikyo Ward, Muko City, Nagaokakyo City, Oyamazaki Town) b>Spots, temples, shrines, events, festivals, people, gourmet food, lifestyle …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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