“I have a feeling that a big player will come to Japan” as the Giants’ new helper.He will be active as soon as he is promoted…“I want to see him in the starting lineup” | Baseball


“I have a feeling that a big player will come to Japan” as the Giants’ new helper.He will be active as soon as he is promoted…“I want to see him in the starting lineup” | Baseball

巨人の新助っ人に「大物来日の予感」 昇格即出場で躍動…27歳を「スタ メンで見たい」 | 野球
DeNA ー 巨人(26日・横浜) 巨人の新加入外国人選手のココ・モンテス内野手が 26日、横浜スタジアムで行われたDeNA戦に代打で登場すると、来日初打席で 右翼線へ…

“I have a feeling that a big player will come to Japan” as the Giants’ new helper.He will be active as soon as he is promoted…“I want to see him in the starting lineup” | Baseball
DeNA – Giants (26th, Yokohama) The Giants’ new foreign player, infielder Coco Montez, appeared as a pinch hitter in the game against DeNA held at Yokohama Stadium on the 26th, marking his first visit to Japan. To the right field line at bat …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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