International Cruise Ship, Kobe resumed in Kyoto, foreign visitors to Osaka, Kobe sightseeing in Kobe sightseeing | Overall


International Cruise Ship, Kobe resumed in Kyoto, foreign visitors to Osaka, Kobe sightseeing in Kobe sightseeing | Overall

国際クルーズ船、神戸に寄港再開 京都、大阪へ外国人客「素通り」神 戸観光の課題は | 総合
早朝には米国出発の大型船「ダイヤモンド・プリンセス」が入港した。コロナ後の 観光復興に期待がかかる一方、経済効果をどう地域に波及させていくのか、 課題も…

International Cruise Ship, Kobe resumed in Kyoto, foreign visitors to Osaka, Kobe sightseeing in Kobe sightseeing | Overall
Early in the morning, a large -scale ship “Diamond Princess” departed in the United States arrived. Sightseeing reconstruction after Corona is expected, but how to spread economic effects to the region, the issues are also & nbsp;
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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