“Sitting and eating and drinking on private property” “Littering garbage” “Watching fireworks on a storeroom” Nuisance behavior is rampant at this year’s Tenjin Festival…


“Sitting and eating and drinking on private property” “Littering garbage” “Watching fireworks on a storeroom” Nuisance behavior is rampant at this year’s Tenjin Festival…

『私有地に座り飲食』『ゴミのポイ捨て』『物置の上で花火見物』今年 の天神祭も迷惑行為が横行 …
打ち上げ会場の近くでは、間近で花火を見ようと、どんどん人が増えていき、コロナ 禍からの回復を受けてか、外国人観光客らの姿も目立ちます。 tenjin(1).jpg.

“Sitting and eating and drinking on private property” “Littering garbage” “Watching fireworks on a storeroom” Nuisance behavior is rampant at this year’s Tenjin Festival…
Near the launch venue, more and more people are coming to see the fireworks up close, and perhaps due to the recovery from the coronavirus pandemic, foreign tourists are also noticeable. tenjin(1).jpg.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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