The third installment of the hugely popular film concert series! Disney animated film “Aladdin”…


The third installment of the hugely popular film concert series! Disney animated film “Aladdin”…

大人気フィルム・コンサート・シリーズ第3弾!ディズニー・アニメー ション映画『アラジン …
来日!オリジナル・デュオによる貴重なパフォーマンスもお見逃しな く! チケット最速先行予約[抽選]は、本日8月7日(水)〜8月26日(月)まで受付 中!

The third installment of the hugely popular film concert series! Disney animated film “Aladdin”…
Coming to Japan! Don’t miss the valuable performance by the original duo! The fastest advance ticket reservation [lottery] is available from today, August 7th (Wednesday) to August 26th (Monday)!
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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