MIXUE, a discount tied drink from China, is the first store in Harajuku. Successful in Japan at the end of the tapioco boom …


MIXUE, a discount tied drink from China, is the first store in Harajuku. Successful in Japan at the end of the tapioco boom …

中国発激安ティードリンク「MIXUE」、原宿に1号店。タピオカブーム終 焉の日本で果たして成功 …
日本で店舗数が最も多いのは、同じく台湾発の「ゴンチャ(貢茶)」だ。15年に 原宿に1号店を出店したのち急拡大し、今では100店以上を構える。

MIXUE, a discount tied drink from China, is the first store in Harajuku. Successful in Japan at the end of the tapioco boom …
The largest number of stores in Japan is “Goncha” from Taiwan. After opening the first store in Harajuku in 2015, it expanded rapidly, and now has more than 100 stores.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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