Merna Airoud, Japan’s first Syrian doctor: “You won’t understand anything unless you try it!”


Merna Airoud, Japan’s first Syrian doctor: “You won’t understand anything unless you try it!”

日本初のシリア人医師・メルナ・アイルードさん:「何事もやってみな ければ分からないでしょ!」
来日するまで全く日本語を話せなかった彼女が、「絶対に無理」と言われな がらも、医師国家試験を突破するまでの苦難の道のりを紹介する。 メルナ・アイ ルード…

Merna Airoud, Japan’s first Syrian doctor: “You won’t understand anything unless you try it!”
She could not speak any Japanese at all until coming to Japan, but this article introduces the difficult journey she took to pass the national medical examination, despite being told that it was “absolutely impossible.” Merna Airud …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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