GO! Kumamon Navi “Let’s learn about Hansen’s disease issues at Kikuchi Keifuen! ” Friday, August 9, 2024 – YouTube


GO! Kumamon Navi “Let’s learn about Hansen’s disease issues at Kikuchi Keifuen! ” Friday, August 9, 2024 – YouTube

GO!くまモン ナビ 『 菊池恵楓園でハンセン病問題を学ぼう! 』 2024年8月9日(金) – YouTube
増える外国人観光客!「何しに熊本へ?」インタビュー!お目当てや増加の 背景は?|外國遊客不斷增加! 「為什麼要去熊本?」採訪!人們來日本的目的和背 景…

GO! Kumamon Navi “Let’s learn about Hansen’s disease issues at Kikuchi Keifuen! ” Friday, August 9, 2024 – YouTube
Increasing Foreign tourists! “Why are you going to Kumamoto?” Interview! What are your goals and the background behind the increase? |Foreign tourists are increasing! “Did you leave Kumamoto?” Visit! People come to Japan Japanese purpose Japanese background …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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