Mt. Washimine in southern Kyoto is also a history of being involved in two wars in the sacred place of Shugendo related to actors.


Mt. Washimine in southern Kyoto is also a history of being involved in two wars in the sacred place of Shugendo related to actors.

京都南部の鷲峰山は役行者ゆかりの修験道の聖地 2度の戦乱に巻き込ま れた歴史も
鷲峰山(じゅぶせん・じゅうぶざん)は、京都府宇治田原町と和束町にまた がる山 … ゴルフを中心に京都府内観光を 海外旅行業者らが視察旅 行、亀岡で商談会.

Mt. Washimine in southern Kyoto is also a history of being involved in two wars in the sacred place of Shugendo related to actors.
Mt. Washimine (Jubusen) is a mountain that straddles Kyoto Ujitahara -cho and Wazu -cho … Kyoto, mainly golf sightseeing. for overseas travel companies to visit, business meeting in Kameoka.
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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