There’s no rice! expensive! Even supermarkets with empty shelves went from 1,700 yen in March to 3,000 yen in less than six months Background…
米がない!高い! 棚がからっぽのスーパーも 3月に1700円が半年 足らずで3000円に 背景 …
米の品薄の背景には「去年の猛暑による米の不作」と、外国人観光客の増加 があるということです。 (フレッシュマーケットアオイ 内田寿仁社長)「インバウ ンド…
There’s no rice! expensive! Even supermarkets with empty shelves went from 1,700 yen in March to 3,000 yen in less than six months Background…
The reason behind the rice shortage is “a poor rice harvest due to last year’s intense heat” and an increase in the number of foreign tourists. (Fresh Market Aoi President Toshihito Uchida) “Inbound …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.