“Gozan Okuribi” in the Kyoto night sky/Prayers for good health | National news | Shikoku Shimbun


“Gozan Okuribi” in the Kyoto night sky/Prayers for good health | National news | Shikoku Shimbun

京都の夜空に「五山送り火」/無病息災祈り | 全国ニュース | 四国新 聞社
お盆に迎えた先祖の霊を送り出し無病息災を祈る「五山送り火」が16日夜、京 都 … 鴨川沿いに集まった家族連れや観光客らは「すごい」「きれい」 と歓声を上げ…

“Gozan Okuribi” in the Kyoto night sky/Prayers for good health | National news | Shikoku Shimbun
“Gozan Okuribi”, a ceremony to send off the spirits of ancestors welcomed during Obon and pray for good health, was held on the night of the 16th in Kyoto…Families and tourists gathered along the Kamo River. They cheered and said, “Amazing” and “Beautiful.”
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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