“Gozan Okuribi” lights up the Kyoto night sky, praying for good health: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web


“Gozan Okuribi” lights up the Kyoto night sky, praying for good health: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web

京都の夜空に「五山送り火」 無病息災祈り:東京新聞 TOKYO Web
鴨川沿いに集まった家族連れや観光客らは「すごい」「きれい」と歓声 を … 台風襲来で途方に暮れた外国人たち…増えつづけるインバウンドに災 害情報を…

“Gozan Okuribi” lights up the Kyoto night sky, praying for good health: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web
Families and tourists gathered along the Kamogawa River cheered with words of “amazing” and “beautiful”… The number of foreigners who were at a loss due to the typhoon… is increasing. Continuing to provide disaster information to inbound visitors …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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