Mozart Kusatsu Music Academy opens in Yunomachi (Gunma/Kusatsu Town) | Jomo Shimbun news site


Mozart Kusatsu Music Academy opens in Yunomachi (Gunma/Kusatsu Town) | Jomo Shimbun news site

湯の町にモーツァルト 草津音楽アカデミーが開幕(群馬・草津町) | 上毛新聞社のニュースサイト
… &フェスティバル(群馬草津国際音楽協会、草津町主催)が17日 … ここにも 円安の影響が… 海外アーティスト来日に楽しみも経費も⤴⤴ 群馬の…

Mozart Kusatsu Music Academy opens in Yunomachi (Gunma/Kusatsu Town) | Jomo Shimbun news site
… & Festival (sponsored by Gunma Kusatsu International Music Association and Kusatsu Town) will be held on the 17th… The weak yen has had an impact here as well… Overseas artists coming to Japan have both fun and expenses⤴⤴ Gunma The …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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