ASO 100km Challenge Camp [Kumamoto] (24/08/18 18:00) – YouTube


ASO 100km Challenge Camp [Kumamoto] (24/08/18 18:00) – YouTube

ASO一周100キロチャレンジキャンプ【熊本】 (24/08/18 18:00) – YouTube
… 人の小中学生が参加。 5人1組に分かれて歩いて阿蘇地域の観光地などを巡り 100キロ先のゴールを目指します。 【参加者】 「色んな人 … 外国人観光客が仰天!

ASO 100km Challenge Camp [Kumamoto] (24/08/18 18:00) – YouTube
… Elementary and junior high school students participated. Participants will be divided into groups of five and walk to sightseeing spots in the Aso area, aiming for a goal 100 kilometers away. [Participant] “Various people… Foreign tourists were astonished!
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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