Liberal Democratic Party presidential election, voting to be counted on 27th next month, election period extended to appeal for reform:


Liberal Democratic Party presidential election, voting to be counted on 27th next month, election period extended to appeal for reform:

自民総裁選、来月27日投開票 刷新アピールへ選挙期間拡大:時事ド ットコム
自民党は20日、党本部で総裁選挙管理委員会(逢沢一郎委員長)の会合を開き、岸 田文雄首相の後継を選ぶ総裁選を「9月12日告示、27日投開票」の日程で…

Liberal Democratic Party presidential election, voting to be counted on 27th next month, election period extended to appeal for reform:
On the 20th, the Liberal Democratic Party held a meeting of the Presidential Election Management Committee (chaired by Ichiro Aizawa) at the party headquarters, and announced that the presidential election to select Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s successor would be scheduled for “announcement on September 12th and voting on the 27th.”  ;…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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