Change in municipal government to government compliance/Ginowan Momohara mayoral candidate launches for sure victory/Announcement on 1st of next month – Japan Communist Party


Change in municipal government to government compliance/Ginowan Momohara mayoral candidate launches for sure victory/Announcement on 1st of next month – Japan Communist Party

政府言いなり市政 転換/宜野湾 桃原市長予定候補必勝へ決起/来月1日 告示 – 日本共産党
来月1日告示 … 9月1日告示、8日投票の沖縄県宜野湾市長選で、同市の米軍普 天間基地の即時運用停止とともに、名護市辺野古の新基地建設ノーを掲げて市政転 換…

Change in municipal government to government compliance/Ginowan Momohara mayoral candidate launches for sure victory/Announcement on 1st of next month – Japan Communist Party
Announcement on September 1st…In the Okinawa prefecture Ginowan mayoral election, which will be voted on on September 8th, there will be an immediate suspension of the operations of the U.S. military base Futenma in the same city, and a no on the construction of a new base in Henoko, Nago City. Municipal change …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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