The Japan Coast Guard confirms Chinese vessels around the Senkaku Islands for 29 consecutive days: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web


The Japan Coast Guard confirms Chinese vessels around the Senkaku Islands for 29 consecutive days: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web

尖閣諸島周辺に中国船 29日連続、海保が確認:東京新聞 TOKYO Web
8月25日. イタリア海軍の帆船が来日、東京 海自が歓迎行事. 8月25日. 福島 の海岸で大学生不明 3人流され2人救助. 8月25日. 夏休み明けの登校不安に支援企 画…

The Japan Coast Guard confirms Chinese vessels around the Senkaku Islands for 29 consecutive days: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web
August 25th. An Italian Navy sailing ship arrives in Japan, and the Maritime Self-Defense Force holds a welcoming event in Tokyo. August 25th. Three unaccounted for university students are washed away on the coast of Fukushima, and two are rescued. August 25th. Support project for anxiety about going to school after summer vacation …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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