Ota City and the capital of Malawi are considering a friendship city agreement | NHK Gunma Prefecture News


Ota City and the capital of Malawi are considering a friendship city agreement | NHK Gunma Prefecture News

太田市とマラウイの首都 友好都市締結に向け検討進める|NHK 群馬県 のニュース
東京で開かれたTICAD=アフリカ開発会議のため来日したマラウイのテ ンボ外相が26日、太田市役所を訪れ、清水市長と会談しました。 太田市は、東 京…

Ota City and the capital of Malawi are considering a friendship city agreement | NHK Gunma Prefecture News
On the 26th, Malawi’s Foreign Minister Tembo, who came to Japan for the TICAD (Tokyo Conference on African Development), visited Ota City Hall and met with Mayor Shimizu. Ota city is located in Tokyo …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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