Komei representative election will be announced on the 18th of next month, focusing on Mr. Yamaguchi’s departure – Jiji Press


Komei representative election will be announced on the 18th of next month, focusing on Mr. Yamaguchi’s departure – Jiji Press

公明代表選、来月18日告示 山口氏の去就焦点 – 時事通信
公明党は29日、山口那津男代表(72)の任期満了に伴う代表選について、9月1 8日に告示し、立候補を受け付ける日程を発表した。同28日の党大会で投…

Komei representative election will be announced on the 18th of next month, focusing on Mr. Yamaguchi’s departure – Jiji Press
On the 29th, the Komeito Party announced the date for the election of representative Natsuo Yamaguchi (72), which will be announced on September 18th when his term of office expires, and will accept nominations. Voted at the party convention on the 28th. …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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