Giant Montez’s first arch in Japan comes from 2 outs in the 9th inning, tying the game with 3 runs.If the commemorative ball is returned, it will be displayed in an acrylic case.


Giant Montez’s first arch in Japan comes from 2 outs in the 9th inning, tying the game with 3 runs.If the commemorative ball is returned, it will be displayed in an acrylic case.

巨人モンテス 来日初アーチが9回2死から同点3ラン 記念球が戻れば「 アクリルケースに入れて飾り …
… 日 京セラD) 巨人のココ・モンテス内野手(27=米国)が3日のヤクルト戦(京 セラD)で一度は同点に追いつく起死回生の来日1号3ランを放った。 【写真 】<巨…

Giant Montez’s first arch in Japan comes from 2 outs in the 9th inning, tying the game with 3 runs.If the commemorative ball is returned, it will be displayed in an acrylic case.
…Japan Kyocera D) Giants infielder Coco Montez (27 = USA) made a come back to tie the score once against Yakult (Kyocera D) on the 3rd. Visit to JapanNo. 1 3 runs released. [Photo]

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