Announcement > Spanish National Ballet to perform in Japan for the first time in 6 years – Asahi Shimbun Digital


Announcement > Spanish National Ballet to perform in Japan for the first time in 6 years – Asahi Shimbun Digital

お知らせ>スペイン国立バレエ団6年ぶり来日公演 – 朝日新聞デジタ ル
世界最高峰と評価の高いフラメンコ・バレエ団が6年ぶりに来日します。 Aプログラム「世代を超えて」はボレロなどダイナミックな群舞の魅力を、B…

Announcement > Spanish National Ballet to perform in Japan for the first time in 6 years – Asahi Shimbun Digital
The world’s best flamenco ballet company is coming to Japan for the first time in six years. Program A, “Beyond Generations,” introduces the charm of dynamic group dances such as bolero, and B …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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