The first catch of red snow crab is now available in stores. What is the quality? What’s the price? What’s the taste? | BSS News – TBS NEWS DIG


The first catch of red snow crab is now available in stores. What is the quality? What’s the price? What’s the taste? | BSS News – TBS NEWS DIG

初水揚げ ベニズワイガニが早速店頭に 質は?価格は?味は? | BSSニ ュース – TBS NEWS DIG
店頭には早速ボイルされたカニが並び、舌鼓を打つ観光客の姿も見られまし た。 … インバウンドで外国人の方は松葉がにを食べられるかもしれません が、我々…

The first catch of red snow crab is now available in stores. What is the quality? What’s the price? What’s the taste? | BSS News – TBS NEWS DIG
Boiled crabs were immediately lined up at the store, and some tourists were seen enjoying them. … Inbound Foreigners may be able to eat Matsuba crab, but we …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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