Rengo Kyoto withdraws recommendation of Maehara – Jiji Press News


Rengo Kyoto withdraws recommendation of Maehara – Jiji Press News

連合京都、前原氏の推薦取り消し – 時事通信ニュース
連合京都は11日、次期衆院選の対応に関し、教育無償化 … 沈没10日後 の船内映像公開 窓ガラス大破、座面など散乱 知床観光船事故・北海道警.

Rengo Kyoto withdraws recommendation of Maehara – Jiji Press News
The Union of Kyoto announced on the 11th that it would provide free education in response to the upcoming House of Representatives election… Footage of the ship’s interior 10 days after the shipwreck is released. Window glass is smashed and seats are scattered Shiretoko Tourism Boat accident/Hokkaido Police.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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